This is your first year in the network marketing industry. You have invested your initial start-up fees, and you have also completed your training. There is a vision board that you have created, hanging on the wall of your bedroom. You have aspirations of purchasing new cars and real estate, as well as traveling on exotic trips all around the world. Then it run into an obstacle that you were NOT expecting, and everything in you tells you to quit before you have had an opportunity to even establish a foundation in the business!
This happens on a regular basis to individuals who are new to the direct sales/network marketing industry. The purpose of today's post is to highlight some of the more common obstacles that one should expect after making the commitment to serve in this very challenging, yet EXCITING arena. Topics covered in today's post will include: rejection from your warm market, out-of-pocket expenses, high turnover, and time demands.
Obstacle-You have created a list of all of your warm market contacts. As you are making your way through your call list, you notice that most of your warm contacts have no interest in your opportunity, and some of your warm contacts have gone as far as to ridicule you for even trying the business of network marketing. You are discouraged, and you find yourself reconsidering your decision to invest in the business.
Solution-Understand that this is NORMAL. People reject that which they do not understand. Most of these same individuals who are rejecting you, will in fact invest in your business at a later date....IF you stick it out. Focus exclusively on the few who are willing to take in a presentation, or to join your opportunity. Maintain a HIGH level of enthusiasm, and create a solid follow-up system for those who have rejected you. This is NOT the end of the world. In fact, this is just the BEGINNING of what is SURE to be a WONDERFUL journey for you.
Obstacle-When you joined the business, you were under the impression that your initial start-up fee was the ONLY expense that you would need to pay. Now that you are in the business, you have learned of a $30-$40 monthly website fee, and the potential of additional costs for samples, promotional items, etc. You are starting to wonder if you will be able to sustain your business, due to your lack of working capital, or FUNDING.
Solution-When you join the network marketing industry, you are in fact running a home based BUSINESS. In order to run an effective BUSINESS, there are certain tools that will be necessary but not REQUIRED, in order for you to maximize your effectiveness. For starters, you should understand that roughly 75% of your entire business (processing customer orders, enrolling business partners, etc), will be internet based, and so your website will be an absolute must. However, $30-$40 is not even worthy of discussion, when you consider the potential to earn $1,000-$5,000 per month via your website.
You will also notice that the SUPERSTARS in your business manage to stay stocked up on promotional items, such as: samples, magazines, flyers, business cards, etc. These items (although GREAT tools for expanding your business), are not REQUIRED at least initially, in order for you to achieve success. I would, however, encourage you to reinvest a portion of your income into stocking up on these supplies as you are building your business. These tools support the brand that you are promoting, and they will also validate your business. It is much more effective to hand a prospect a professional magazine, than it is to scribble the name of your business on a sheet of paper.
High Turnover
Obstacle-You are building your business, but as you are building, you are noticing that some of the partners who are already on your team are leaving the business, or failing to put forth any effort, with regards to performance. You are discouraged, because you have aspirations of advancing in your company, and it seems as if this will never happen, due to the turnover and the underperformers in your team.
Solution-Focus EXCLUSIVELY upon those who DO share in your vision. As was once stated by the late Jim Rohn, "Some will do 100. Some will do 80. Others will do 50 or 60. Your job is not to figure out why this is the case. Your job is to simply accept this as fact, and to move on with that which is within your control."
ALWAYS remain in "recruiting mode." Avoid making the mistake of shifting from a recruiter to a supervisor. Enroll new business partners. Train each new business partner, and make yourself readily available "as needed" to support those who DESIRE to succeed in the business. However, the BULK of your focus should CONSTANTLY be on adding new business partners, and working towards the goals that you have established for your business. Your job IS NOT to babysit or to supervise underperforming partners.
Time Demands
Obstacle-You joined the network marketing business with the intentions of running the business on a part-time basis. You are now being forced to spend ALL of your time on Facebook, responding to emails, working the phones, attending meetings, etc, and your home life is suffering. You are no longer able to spend an adequate amount of time with your spouse, and/or your children. You are on the verge of quitting the business.
Solution-Run your business. Do NOT allow your business to run you. Family should ALWAYS be #1, and if we manage our time in an effective fashion, then we should be able to easily meet the demands of a part-time network marketing business, while also maintaining our relationships and focus at home.
Set specific goals for each day, week, month, and year in your business. Establish specific work hours for your business. Plan your work hours around your family events, and the time that you would like to spend with personal matters. Establish lines of communication with other partners within your team, who may not be as tied down as you are with family obligations.
Empower your more experienced business partners to answer questions, handle 3-way calls, and to even attend business meetings in support of less experienced promoters on your team, when and if your schedule dictates. Be sure to establish a planned work schedule, and to stick to that work schedule. Make the necessary adjustments within your team in order to make this so.
I hope that this information has been of some benefit to you. If you are considering the network marketing industry, or if you are already involved in the industry, but lacking the training, guidance, or support necessary for your success; then I would encourage you to contact me at 517-240-0190 to hear more about an opportunity that can change your life.-Winslow Willis
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