Most Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Most Americans are uneducated. Most Americans are either overweight, or obese. Most Americans dislike their jobs. Most Americans have abandoned their deams. Most Americans feel trapped in their current living conditions. Most Americans believe that the circumstances in their lives are outside of their control. Most Americans are followers.
Trendsetter-Someone who starts a new trend.
Today's post will be short, sweet, and right to the point: be a trendsetter. Walk away from the 75%. Don't think their thoughts. Don't speak their language. Don't share their beliefs. Don't adopt their habits. Don't accept their lifestyles. Don't allow them to weigh you down with their negative expectations. Don't listen to their CRAP!
Trendsetter-Someone who starts a new trend.
You can become the NEW point of reference for your family. You can break that generational curse that has been handed down in your family from generation to generation. You can become the FIRST person in your family to earn a college degree. You can become the FIRST person in your family to own a business. You can become the FIRST person in your family to abstain from drugs and alcohol. You can become the FIRST person in your family that is fit, healthy, and in GREAT physical shape!
Trendsetter-Someone who starts a new trend.
Carve out your own space. Create your own legacy. Yes, you will absolutely feel like an oddball at times. You should understand that MOST successful individuals have been viewed at one time or another as being oddballs. Whenever you DARE to step outside of the status quo, you should expect, and understand that individuals who are content with belonging to the 75% will SURELY persecute you, and do just about everything in their power to knock you from your new course of action. Stay the course, and REFUSE to be denied in your new quest!
Trendsetter-Someone who starts a new trend.
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