Upon making the decision to join the network marketing/direct sales industry, I set out on a personal mission to perform a great deal of research on several of the top network marketing companies. In considering which company would be the best fit for me, I compared products, support systems, customer impact, and overall compensation.
At the conclusion of all of my research, I settled upon a company called Visalus. Visalus, which sponsors the "Body by Vi" challenge, was very strong in each of the areas that I had factored into my overall decision.
Visalus Sciences is committed to offering the highest quality, cutting-edge health and wellness products, delivered with the assurance to uphold maximum safety and quality standards.
Comprehensive research and development is critical to the success of Visalus products. Top tier scientists who are completely dedicated to creating innovative science-based nutraceuticals, backed by a tremendous amount of research, are in place to ensure that Visalus customers are receiving the best nutritional health and wellness benefits to fit their everyday needs.
Support Systems
The most attractive component within the Visalus opportunity is the vast support system that is in place for new distributors, and/or customers. Visalus is not just another network marketing company. It's a place where distributors and customers connect, foster friendships, share with others, and help others establish healthier methods of living.
These relationships are fostered through extensive training and support, as well as national conventions, team building events, and a new online community called Vi-Net. This online community allows new distributors to communicate with more seasoned pros within the business, in addition to the support received from the individuals who have sponsored these new reps into the business.
Customer Impact
One of the keys to succeeding in any network marketing opportunity, is for distributors to have passion for, and confidence in the products and services that they are offering. Research shows that more than 300,000 Americans die each year, due to obesity. Visalus provides distributors with the opportunity to directly impact the health and lives of their customers. This is a very satisfying experience.
Overall Compensation Plan
The compensation plan at Visalus is second to none. The opportunity provides distributors the ability to earn money in eight different methods. The methods for earning income are as follows:
- Direct Sales & Personal Customer Commissions
- First Order Bonus
- Weekly Enroller's Pool
- Fast Start Bonus
- Team Commissions
- BMW Bonus
- Leadership Pool Bonus
- Ambassador Star Bonus
Visalus has experienced 6,000% growth over the course of the past 28 months, with 50% of top producers being under the age of 40. The numbers for ViSalus are certainly remarkable, and anyone who does their research can see how fast this company is growing. Network marketers who join now will be part of one of the fastest growing health and wellness companies in history.
Millions and millions of Americans are now realizing the freedom and opportunities that come along with network marketing, and home based business. I have personally achieved the rank of Regional Director with the company, which comes with a monthly residual income of $1,500-$3,000, along with a $600.00 per month BMW car bonus. I would like to invite you at this time to become a promoter with the organization. If interested, you can contact me directly at wizzo02us@yahoo.com, or by phone at 517-262691.
I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.
Winslow Willis
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