"One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular."-Tony Robbins
The beauty of the network marketing industry is that it represents free enterprise. The industry truly does allow individuals to create products and/or services to be offered to the general public at competitive prices, with very little input from the state.
The industry also allows aspiring entrepreneurs the freedom to achieve unlimited earnings, with unlimited growth and expansion potential. Any individual with access to minimal capital required to gain entry into the business, is granted the right to go as far in the business as his/her talents and work ethic will allow.
I believe then that the one thing that separates those who are successful in the network marketing industry from those who fail, is simply COMMITMENT. The dictionary defines the word "Commitment" as-The act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action.
There is a dangerous element that is ever-present within the network marketing industry, and that danger is the tendency of members within a particular organization to recruit individuals who belong to competing organizations.
For newbies entering into the network marketing arena, the act of being sought after can present a bit of confusion. I have personally interacted with numerous individuals who had no form of commitment to any particular organization or opportunity, but instead dabbled a bit in this one, and dabbled a bit in that one.
I would like to stress here that it is VERY important and even vital to your career within the industry that you do your research PRIOR to joining a network marketing organization. Check out the compensation plan. Meet with the leaders. Express your concerns. Inquire about the training programs, and/or support. When all is said and done, COMMIT heart and soul to working with ONE opportunity.
Once you have made this commitment, study the top producers in your organization. Learn the system. Develop the skills necessary to become a top earner. Read the books, attend the seminars, show up at the training events, and really devote your focus to being the best that you can be with that ONE opportunity.
The grass will always appear to be greener on the other side. The average newbie entering into the network marketing industry lasts less than 90 days, prior to either quitting the industry altogether, or switching to a new opportunity.
The truth of the matter is that in many instances, it may take more than 90 days for individuals to obtain a clear understanding of the business. Yes, there are stories of those who have reached the top of the compensation plan in 72 hours. Yes, your company may have recruited you with photos of six-figure checks, mansions, and exotic trips. However, you need to do your research to understand the background of these success stories, so that you can establish realistic goals and expectations for yourself.
Last, you cannot, and you will not succeed in this business alone. Once you have settled upon the decision to commit WHOLE-HEARTEDLY to a particular opportunity (as a newbie in the industry), then it would be wise of you to seek out a top producer, or someone who has achieved the level of success that you desire, who is willing to also commit WHOLE-HEARTEDLY to you.
If you are unable to find THIS within your organization, then it would be wise at this point for you to seek other avenues. However, the best way to assure your success in the industry, is to avoid operating as a jumping jack, bouncing from company to company; or WORSE, trying to work with multiple opportunities simultaneously, and to simply devote your attention, focus, skills, and effort to one particular venture.
Once you have made this committment, then ride it out. If it takes you six months, 12 months, or even 18 months to achieve your goals; ride it out. Follow your company's system. Most importantly, DO THE WORK!
There are more than 60 million people involved in the direct sales/network marketing industry throughout the world. Research shows that 80% or more of these individuals, dedicate less than four hours each week to running their businesses. You WILL FAIL in the network marketing industry, if you are not able, and/or willing to invest more than four hours each week into your business.
I certainly do hope that the information provided here has been of some value to you. I welcome your feedback. I would also encourage you to reflect upon this information, and to apply it to your business today. By doing so, you will surely reap the benefits of your FOCUSED efforts.
"There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results."-unknown
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